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Original Article

ECB. 2022; 11(6): 50-55


Aseel Kamil Hameed, Jihad Abdulameer Ahmed, Rahman Kadhum Muhsen.


Nephrotoxicity is regarded as one of the most important limitations of gentamicin used, in which it appears in 10–25%
of patients treated with gentamicin therapeutic doses, beside gentamicin nephrotoxicity has been considered to result widely from
tubular type damage of the kidney, therefore, this study performed on ten animals were divided into two groups equally; the animals
of the first group inject gentamicin (100mg / KG BW for ten days twice daily, then the treated animal was euthanized on the day
11th of the experiment and samples from internal organs were obtained for histopathological examination; the histopathological
analysis of the treated animals showed that In kidney ; there is area of dilated and vacuolated cortical tubules and increased
cellularity of glomeruli with prominent mesangial cells ,while in the livers were had early septal and per portal fibrosis, and
centrilobular enlargement of hepatocytes; In the thyroid gland there is the presence of micro follicles, also the follicles characterized
by large cells and small lumen, some with proliferation; in testis; there are some seminiferous tubules with vacuolation of
spermatogonea and reduced spermatogenesis, as well as there is a papillary projection in the epithelial lining of the epididymis, in
addition, there is suppression of spermatogenesis and presence of spermatids in the center of the lumen; in the spleen; the red pulp
is rich in cellularity with some pigment with prominent trabeculae and hemosiderin pigment; there are atrophic lymphoid follicles
of white pulp; while in the lungs there are dilated alveoli with an area of cystic alveoli suggesting emphysema. In conclusion,
gentamicin can cause harmful pathological changes in the vital organs of donkeys based on its therapeutic doses.

Key words: Histopathological, gentamicin, acute toxicity, equidae.

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