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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6820-6825

Iot Based Forest Fire Detection System



Forest fires cause greater effects to forests and endangered wildlife. The forest is praise as one of the most significant and compulsory expedient and forest fire injunction a permanent danger to binomial systems and the environmental aspects. Forest fire detection had become a very important issue in the pre- suppression process which gives rise to a drastic need to perceive forest fires with the greatest speed. The proposed project is based on the study of the detection of flames in a video by using motion and edge detection techniques. It detects the edges of the flames properly by removing the noises in the flames. The optimizing technique to the detection of the flame, which generated because of smoke and spreading of fire pixel and the area spread of flame. These systems can be used to reduce false detection fire. The proposed method is used to control the fire in the earlier stages through notifications. The system also gives the opportunity to adjust the system by applying a different combination of fire detecting technique which will help in the implementation of the system according to the different sensitive area requirements.

Key words: Forest fire detection, Motion and edge detection techniques, False detection.

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