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Original Article

ECB. 2022; 11(6): 7-14


Ayjamal Allamuratova, Aktam Erkaev, Akhmed Reymov, Zokir Tairov, Umarbek Alimov.


The question of the organisation of NPK fertilizers manufacture with the maintenance not less than 40 % of nutritious
elements from phosphorites Central Kizikum concentrated is considered. In the developed flow sheet use of enriched and washed
dried phosphorite containing 17-26 % P2O5 is provided. At low maintenance P2O5 in phosphorite raw materials it preliminary is
exposed to acid enrichment. It was shown the possibility that nitrogen-phosphate-potassium fertilizers and nitro – ammophos -
potassium can be prepared based on nitric and sulfuric acid processing low-grade phosphorite from Central Kyzyl Kum. The rough
calculation of the consumption coefficients of obtaining nitro – ammophos - potassium and nitro-phosphate - potassium (monoand dicalcium nitro-phosphate - potassium) at various CaO / P2O5 ratios in washed dried phosphorite with a content of 26% P2O5
was carried out. The triple fertilizers at least 40% nutrient elements are suitable for application in agriculture where their efficiency
will have great significance in term of yield. The advantages of the developed scheme are suitable in terms of production of
concentrated NPK fertilizer contenting at least 40% of nutrients, flexibility that makes it possible to obtain, except for NPK
fertilizers, various technical phosphorus salts, large energy costs, possibility of using any kind of phosphate raw materials.

Key words: phosphorite powder, washed dried phosconcentrated phosphogypsum, ammonization, nitrogen-ammophos-potassium, carbamide-ammophos-potassium, complex fertilizer.

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