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Research Article

EEO. 2022; 21(1): 9-19

Guidelines For Enhancing English Competency Of Teacher Chonburi Province To Support Eastern Economic Corridor Of Thailand

Pattrapan Wannaprasert, Worawut Phengphan, Suwichai Kosaiyawat.


The purpose of this research was to 1)studied personal factors that affect to competency of teachers in Chonburi Province to support Eastern Economic corridor of Thailand 2) studied competency of teachers in Chonburi Province to support Eastern Economic corridor of Thailand and 3) found the guidelines for enhancing English competency of teachers in Chonburi Province to support Eastern Economic corridor of Thailand. The methodology of this research was a mixed method. The sample consisted of 376 primary English teachers in Chonburi province of Thailand. The research instruments included questionnaire and structured interview form for 16 key informants. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics: percentage, means, standard deviation, T-test, F-test, and main issues from the interview.
The result was 1) Personal factors that affect the competency of teachers in Chonburi Province to support Eastern Economic corridor of Thailand. 1.1) Gender effects to knowledge and process competency but it did not affect to attitude 1.2) Age effects to process and attitude competency but it did not affect to knowledge 1.3) Educational levels effects to all competencies 1.4) Educational background did not affect to all competencies 1.5) Working experience effects to process and attitude competency but it did not affect to knowledge 1.6) Task teaching effects to all competencies 1.7) English training effects to knowledge and process competency but it did not affect to attitude.2) The attitude is high that the teacher was the most effective in English competency, = 3.97 and SD = .643. Secondly, the Process skills is high in English competency that = 3.55 and SD =.607. The least average aspect is knowledge, with behaviors that represent moderate English competency that = 3.45 and SD = .576. 3) Guidelines for enhancing English competency of teachers in Chonburi Province. 3.1) Personal level, you should clearly plan to practice your skills like an individual plan (ID Plan) and you should use English in daily life. 3.2) School level will set up participation of network parties that tackle team practice to perfection. So, they invite native speakers or professors who communicate English fluently to practice their English communication. And then, they can teach English to their students. 3.3) Organization level, school level and personal level. Organization level will develop English teachersÂ’ competency plans and follow up them constantly.


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