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Synchronous double malignancies in patients with gastric cancer: A case series

Siva Gavini, Chandramaliteeswaran Chandrahasan, Venkataramireddy Vutukuru.

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Background: Synchronous cancers are defined as two or more cancers diagnosed simultaneously or within an interval of 6 months after the diagnosis of primary cancer. They are attributed to similar genetic mutations and genetic susceptibility. Methods: All the patients with gastric cancer and synchronous malignancies who underwent surgery were included from 1996 to 2022. Data were extracted from the case records. The analysed data included age, sex, intraoperative procedure, and histopathology report. Results: During this period, 7 cases underwent surgical treatment for dual malignancy with a diagnosis of gastric carcinoma. The second malignancy site was the genitourinary system (5 cases), colon (1 case) and left forearm (1 case). Conclusion: Synchronous double malignancies in gastric cancer pose a challenge to treating physicians. Proper staging of the disease is needed and treatment planning should include a multidisciplinary approach.

Key words: synchronous, gastric cancer, multiple primary malignancies, stomach

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