Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the species composition of Eimeria circu¬lating in Mymensingh district, Bangladesh, using Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.
Materials and Methods: Coccidian oocysts were isolated and sporulated in a solution containing 2% potassium dichromate from litter slurry collected from 13 commercially active broiler farms in the research region. Genomic DNA was isolated from sporulated oocysts and used to amplify the Eimeria species-specific ITS1 gene by PCR amplification. Electrophoresis of 1.5% agarose gel was used to visualize the amplified PCR products.
Results: In the study samples from Mymensingh district, Bangladesh, the presence of Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria necatrix, Eimeria mitis, and Eimeria tenella was identified.
Conclusions: The findings of this study may shed light on the zonal approach to chicken coccidio¬sis control. Additionally, it suggests that ITS1-based PCR might be used in the field to accurately identify Eimeria species.
Key words: Coccidiosis; Eimeria species; identification; ITS1-PCR; chicken