Objective: To determine the quality of life (QOL) in construction workers.
Methodology: This is observational cross-sectional study male workers of Lahore. A Performa with validated SF 36 questionnaires will be distributed among workers. Data were analyzed by SPSS 25.
Results: Out of 201 workers, 75.1% were married and 56.7% were smoker. Mean age was 36.68±11.326 years. Deviation of physical function was 47.4627±7.38443, role limitations due to physical health was 42.7861±41.35455, role limitations due to emotional problems was 68.3250±43.04407, energy/fatigue was 38.8806±16.19771, emotional well-being was 54.7463±12.20903, social functioning was 92.4751±14.36574, pain was 48.1592±26.66987, general health was 45.2985±8.46525 and health change in one year was 35.32±20.519.
Conclusion: There was overall moderate quality of life in construction workers. Social function domain had excellent QOL. Energy, emotional well-being and general health domains had good QOL and domains which had poor QOL were physical function, role limitation due to physical health and emotional problems.
Key words: Quality of life, construction workers, occupational hazards.