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Comparative analysis of purified anti-leukemic L-asparaginase enzyme from Trichoderma spp.

Kuldeep Luhana, Himanshu Bariya.


L-asparaginase has a therapeutic property and is widely used in chemotherapy or treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, besides its use in the food processing industry. A comparative study of fungal L-asparaginase production and characterization has been performed. Among the several isolates, two cultures Trichoderma viride HK01 and Trichoderma koningii HK02 were further selected based on their capacities of producing L-asparaginase. These cultures were identified using morphological, staining, and ITS sequencing approach. The molecular weight of purified L-asparaginase as estimated by SDS gel electrophoresis was ~69 kDa and ~72 kDa from T. viride HK01and for T. koningii HK02, respectively. The apparent Km of purified L-asparaginase from T. koningii HK02 and T. viride HK01 was 0.0528 mM and 0.0565 mM and Vmax were 55.24 and 71.13 U/mL, respectively. The optimum temperature for purified L-asparaginase was 37°C for T. viride HK01 and 40°C for T. koningii HK02. Likewise, the optimum pH was 7.0 and 8.0 for T. koningii HK02 and T. viride HK01, respectively. Mercury and lead have completely inhibited the enzyme activity from both the fungi. Manganese has increased the enzyme activity in T. koningii HK02. The IC50 was 2.0 and 2.5 Units/mL for L-asparaginase from T. koningii HK02 and T. viride HK01, respectively. Thus, observed results suggested that purified L-asparaginase have required properties for possible treatment against the cancerous-cells.

Key words: L-asparaginase; Trichoderma; SDS-PAGE; Tumor; Anti-leukemia

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