Maize is high yielding, easy to process, readily digested, and costs less in comparison to other cereals. It is also a versatile crop, allowing it to grow across a range of agroecological zones. Maize is essentially a warm weather or kharif crop and as such is largely dependent upon the rains. There are three distinct seasons for the cultivation of Maize the main season is kharif; whereas its cultivation during rabi in Peninsular India and Bihar, and in spring in northern India is done. Higher yields have been recorded in the rabi and spring crops. The higher yields are primarily due to better water management and a lower incidence of disease and pests. In India Maize crop is being attacked by about 139 species of insect pests with varying degree of damage. However, only about a dozen are quite serious. Among them some important lepidopteran stem borers seriously limit potentially attainable Maize yields by infesting the crop throughout its growth, from seedling stage to maturity.
Key words: Chemical , Control , Insecticide , Carbofuran , Field