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Original Article

IJMDC. 2023; 7(3): 510-515

Questionnaire regarding community awareness of circumcision-related aspects in Saudi Arabia

Abdulhakim A. AlOtay, Ahmed El Helaly, Faisal Alsaleh, Nawaf Alsubaie, Mansour Alshehri.


Objective: The aim was to evaluate different aspects related to early male circumcision, community awareness, and family satisfaction.
Methods: A questionnaire-based survey was conducted with the following items on circumcision; time, technique, the performing medical practitioner, and where the circumcision was conducted. Alongside, other questions regarding family satisfaction and cases needing redo circumcision were also included in the questionnaire.
Results: The number of participants was 1,118. Timing of circumcision most commonly was neonatal period, first year circumcision, then later throughout their life. Circumcisions were mostly performed in hospitals and carried out by pediatric surgeons. Complications of circumcisions were encountered in 6.9% of cases and circumcision was not affected by the physician’s specialty, timing, place, or technique of circumcision.
Conclusion: Ritual circumcision (circumcision in community) is the most common practice. Family counselling regarding postoperative care and sequelae is of utmost importance. Revising practice and audits on circumcision are to be encouraged.

Key words: Circumcision, survey, awareness, questionnaire, Saudi Arabia

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