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Estimation of point prevalence of common skin diseases affecting schoolchildren in the age group of 6–15 years in Jalandhar district of Punjab

Ratan Lal Bassan, Anureet Mitra, Yash Pal Mitra.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Little information is available about prevalence of skin conditions among schoolchildren of North India. Low socioeconomic status, malnutrition, overcrowding, and poor standards of hygiene are important factors accounting for distribution of skin diseases in developing countries such as India.

Aims and Objectives: This study aims to estimate point prevalence of common skin diseases affecting schoolchildren in the age group of 6–15 years in Jalandhar district of Punjab.

Materials and Methods: A total of 6000 schoolchildren of the age group of 6–15 years were examined in a random sample of government school in urban and rural area of Jalandhar district. Of these children with common diseases were identified. Out of these children with skin diseases were further studied. The data were statically analyzed.

Results: Out of the total schoolchildren in the age group of 6–15 years examined, 11.9% were having one or the other form of identifiable disease. Out of these, 13.7% were having skin diseases.

Conclusion: The common reason for prevalence of such diseases was poverty, malnutrition, overcrowding, and poor standards of hygiene. Hence, awareness programs among schoolchildren regarding taking affordable balanced diet and care of their personal hygiene were advised.

Key words: Skin Diseases; Schoolchildren; Prevalence

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