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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 7765-7772

An Analysis Of Intervention Of Human Resource Practices In Hospital Industry. A Case Study Of Raj Hospital At Ranchi

Mr. Pankaj Chatterjee, Baljit Singh Kalsi, Dr. Somnath Roy Choudhury.


Human Resource practices are the key element in managing the employee’s workforce and achieving the goals of the organization. HR acts as a bridge between the organization and the employees and makes sure the growth of an organization as per the set rules while offering immense opportunities to its employees for versatile development, job satisfaction, work life balance and deals with many issues to ensure the smooth functioning of an organization. A successful HR practice requires a comprehensive approach to manage efficiently the organization’s most valuable asset – employee’s workforce. This paper focuses on the effective intervention of HR practices in Hospital Industry for developing the employees performance, customer satisfaction, offering best healthcare services with the help of different strategies like: employee training, motivation, grievances handling, job satisfaction, firenze benefits, work life balance and proper utilization of resources. The research work carried out is an Exploratory research and qualitative in nature. The data collected from primary and secondary sources have been arranged systematically and analyzed in five points likert’s scale about the HR practices in their organization and the employee’s satisfaction levels and their perceptions. The research will prove to be beneficial for the healthcare industry and academia and will provide deeper insights of the HR practices and its effects on employees and organization success for employees’ retention.

Key words: Job satisfaction, Work life balance, Grievances handling, Employee benefits, Training & Motivation.

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