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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 8148-8154

Digital Economy: Impact And Challenges On Indian Economy



The phrase "digital economy" refers to all online economic activity as a whole. It is often referred to as the Internet Economy or the Web Economy. The conventional and digital economies are combining as a result of technology advancement and globalization. Every civilization must grow its economy; it is only feasible when a society is able to understand the variables that influence the development of the economy. The use of technology to develop the economy is known as the "digital economy." The way we live, work, and do business is changing quickly as a result of technological and scientific advances. These modifications include problems for our businesses, workplaces, and neighborhoods. They also offer chances to improve wellbeing. India's adoption of digital technology was a significant review of this nation that moved India forward and brought about a phenomenal rise. Within this nation's economy. The digital world economy still swell and diversify in 2021. New technologies and consumes creates several opportunities and threats for businesses in several sectors in Indian economy. Hence, an effort has been made in this paper to describe the idea behind the federal government's implementation of the Digital India initiative as well as its ambition. The paper also discusses numerous obstacles or challenges to the program's execution, as well as future opportunities that might help India become the country of choice for digital activity.

Key words: Digital economy, digital India, Digitalization.

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