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An 8 Years' experience in surgical treatment of anal fistula

Selcuk Gulmez.

Cited by 2 Articles

Aim: To review our experience with patients who had been operated for perianal fistula based on cryptoglandular etiological basis and to reveal risk factors affecting postoperative results.
Material and Methods: A total of 65 perianal fistula patients, who underwent surgical treatment, were screened for this retrospective study.
Results: The mean age was 45.4 ± 10.6 years, with a predominance rate of male patients. The previous surgery rate for anal sepsis was 44.6%. The median (min-max) follow up time was 19 (15–103) weeks, and the duration of symptoms was 18 (6-250) weeks. The most common fistula type was intersphincteric (36.9%), and fistulotomy was the most preferred surgery (50.8%). New postoperative incontinence was found in 6 (8.2%) of patients, 5 (83.3%) of them had gas incontinence. The healing rate in the follow-up period was unsatisfactory for 12 (18.5%) patients. The significant risk factors for failure were BMI≥30 kg/m2 (p

Key words: fistulotomy, LIFT, Perianal fistula

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