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Case Report

Med Arch. 2011; 65(4): 252-253

Spondylodiscitis due to Sallmonela in an Immunocompetent patient

Klodiana Shkurti-Leka, Dhimiter Kraja, Nikollaq Leka, Gjergji Vreto, Kastriot Melyshi, Genti Kasmi.


Salmonella is a gram-negative bacillus that penetrates in human from contaminated food or water. Sallmonela spondylodiscitis is a rare condition occur secondary to hematogenous spread after bacteremia episode. We presented a successful treatment with Levofloxacin in a 26 years old immunocompetent male with a septic form of sallmonelosis complicated with lumbar spondylodiscitis without surgery. He was treated with intravenous Levofloxacin for three weeks and was discharged from the hospital with oral Levofloxacin for more than two months. Clinical and laboratory evaluation two months after oral treatment resulted normal.

Key words: Sallmonela, Spondylodiscitis.

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