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Original Research

Med Arch. 2011; 65(4): 210-212

Influence of Clonidine on the Chemodynamic Stability and Stress Response in the Course of Surgery on general Anesthesia

Merlina Kalajd& 382;ija, Ibrahim Cero, Besim prnjavorac, Senad Ljuca.


This work provides results of therapeutic efficacy testing and clonidine toleration in moderating of perioperative tachicardia and hypertension, as well as reducing the needs for anaestathic drugs, thus providing better patients’ cardiovascular stability. Material and methods: The study involved 60 patients, that were subdued to elective non-cardiosurgical operations in general anaesthesia. One half of the patients was administred the Clonidine, 0,2μg/kg/min in solution, while the other half served as a control group. Results: of the study it was evident that the Clonidine group had considerably less stress response, which was shown through variaton of cortisol levels during operation, glicemy levels and vital parameters. There was a statisticly significant difference (p

Key words: α2- agonists, clonidine, anesthesia , fentanyl, blood pressure, heart rate, hypertension, tachicardia.

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