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Med Arch. 2011; 65(4): 196-198

Sixty-five Years of the Journal Medical Archives

Izet Masic.


This year journal Medical Archives celebrates 65 years of continuing publishing. It was one of the oldest medical journals in former Yugoslavia (established in the year 1947). The first Editor-in-Chief of the Medical Archives was a academician Vladimir Cavka. That was a happy circumstance, because the professor Cavka at that time was one of the most famous world experts in ophthalmology. The high level of the journal Medical Archive issues from the very beginning, thanks to professor Cavka, was critical for inclusion in Index Medicus. It was a high award, which this journal carries even today. First Editorial board was consists of professors: Vladimir Cavka, Blagoje Kovacevic, Bogdan Zimonjic and Ibro Brkic (1947-1957), and that period was the golden years of Medical Archives. Articles were coming mostly from the clinics and institutes of the Faculty of medicine in Sarajevo, as well as by medical experts from the other cities in B&H (1). Also, Medical Archives accepted and published articles from other medical centers in former Yugoslavia. All this is clearly speaking about the great reputation of the Medical Archives in B&H and larger.

Key words: Medical Archives, 65 years

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