Weeds have been a big menace for agricultural. However, several weeds have been known to have medicinal properties and being used as household remedies since old times in India. The present study revealed presence of 37 herbaceous weeds belonging to 20 families of angiosperms in wheat fields of Agra district. The most frequent and dominant weed was Chenopodium album followed by Ageratum conyzoids, Malva sylvestris and Parthenium hystrophorus. Amaranthus viridis, Vernonia anthelmintica, Euphorbia hirta, Eclipta alba, Meliolotus alba, were also quite frequent. Further, Asphodelus tenuifolius was quite common monocot weed besides grasses. Nearly all the recorded weeds have folk medicinal uses.
Key words: Ethnomedicine, weeds, wheat field.