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Cost variation analysis of various brands of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors currently available in the Indian market: An observational study

Raghav M V, Geetha A.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: India being the world’s largest supplier of generic drugs provides 50% of the drugs globally. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) (hereafter referred to as SSRI) is the most commonly prescribed drugs for depression (prevalence of 5.25%) and Anxiety (prevalence of 5.8%). The cost of these drugs influences the patient compliance with treatment and thereby the clinical outcome significantly.

Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the cost-variation of SSRIs available in the Indian market.

Materials and Methods: Maximum and minimum costs of various SSRIs used in the treatment of depression and anxiety were obtained from the monthly index of medical specialties (November 2020) online, Jan Aushadhi Sugam App (Generic drugs), and National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority online. The cost of various SSRI being manufactured by different companies in the same strength and dosage form were compared. Cost ratio (Maximum cost/Minimum cost) and percentage cost variation ([{Max cost–Min cost}/Min cost] × 100) in INR (₹) were calculated. Data were analyzed and represented using descriptive statistics.

Results: Percentage cost variation was maximum with Fluoxetine 20 mg (3477.85%), followed by Sertraline 50 mg (1631.61%) and Escitalopram 10 mg (1288.89%). Percentage cost variation was minimum with Vilazodone 40 mg (16.31%).

Conclusion: This study provides awareness about cost variation among different brands of SSRI used in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Wide variation can cause dissatisfaction, poor compliance, and economic burden among patients. It strengthens the usage of generic drugs among general population and healthcare providers.

Key words: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor; Depression; Cost Variation; Drug pricing

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