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Detection of abortifacient infectious agents in clinical cases of Black Bengal goat

Mahmuda Islam, Nazneen Sultana, Moutuza Mostaree, Sajeda Sultana, Thahsin Farjana, Munmun Pervin, Mohammad Abu Hadi Noor Ali Khan.


The present study attempted to identify pathogens that may cause abortions in goats. The targets attempted were Toxoplasma, Leptospira, Listeria, Brucella and Chlamydophila. A total of thirty-two aborted fetuses were collected from Veterinary Clinics and Upazila Livestock Hospital from Mymensingh districts during the period from January/2018 to December/2019. The liver, lungs, spleen, kidney, stomach content and placenta were collected from the aborted fetus. The organs were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, processed for H & E staining and examined under a microscope to visualize specific lesions. Parts of the organs were collected aseptically in falcon tubes and cryovials, preserved at -20 ºC for DNA extraction. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to detect specific pathogens of caprine abortion. Histopathologically, banana shaped tachyzoite of Toxoplasma was seen in kidney of aborted fetus as suggestive of infectivity due to toxoplasmosis. Individualization of hepatocytes, hemorrhage and congestion in the interstitium were seen in leptospirosis suspected cases. In addition, cytoplasmic vacoules in the hepatocytes, hemorrhages with infiltration of mononuclear cells around the central vein were seen in Listeria and Chlamydia infectecd cases respectively. Results of PCR with fetal DNA (N=32) showed Toxoplasma gondii (512 bp) in five cases (15.62 %). The PCR amplified Listeria monocytogenes (517 bp), Chlamydophila abortus (315 bp) and Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjoprajitno (323 bp) species-specific amplicons in three (9.4%), one (3.12%) and three (9.4%) aborted fetuses respectively. The causes of abortions due to brucellosis was not identified in this study. The infectious agents of caprine abortion, like Toxoplasma, Listeria, Chlamydia, and Leptospira, have public health importance. It needs extensive study to detect the causal agents of caprine abortion and design future preventive and control strategies for better production and management.

Key words: abortion, infectious agents, histopathology, PCR, Black Bengal goat.

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