The water quality and flow level nature of AL-Musayyib River have been experimentally studied. Experimental data
monitored within the hours of 05:00 h and 12:00 h in the course of the study include flow level current river depth and width,
suspended solids SS, dissolved Oxygen DO, biochemical oxygen demand BOD and ammonia-nitrogen. The quality of water in
AL-Musayyib River was fated using the River Pollution Index (RPI). Results indicate that flow level peaks within the hours 6:00
h to 8:00 h and recede within the hours of 11:00. Maximum flow level was 1.90 m and the minimum value was 0.67 m. At the
high flow level, measured width varied between 111-131.8 m and at lower ebb, width of the river varied between 49.1 m and
53.1 m. At peak flow level water at an average speed of 1.46 m/s in the North west direction and at ebb flow level River in the
reverse direction at a constant speed of 0.22 m/s. Physico-chemical characteristics showed that DO values the ranged between (
3.00 and 4.55 ) with a mean of 3.25 mg/L. Suspended solids (SS) values ranged between 4-8 mg/L with a mean value of 4 mg/L.
Observed BOD levels at sampling point ranged between ( 11.50-18.60 mg/L ) with a mean of 15.03 mg/L. Ammonia-nitrogen
levels at sampling point ranged between ( 1.99-5.90 mg/L ) with a mean value of 3.78 mg/L. River Pollution Index (RPI) of
above 6.0 was obtained and hence water quality is classified as severely polluted. The quality of water is forthright polluted and
unacceptable for drinking and domestic purposes and will require best management practice to improve the water quality in
Key words: Water Quality, River Pollution Index (RPI)