COVID-19, a new virus, was discovered in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Due to its infectious features and lack of medically established therapy, the COVID-19 virus spread around the planet in early 2020, causing widespread infections and deaths on all continents except Antarctica. The COVID- 19 epidemic has been dubbed the most significant worldwide calamity since World Wars Iand II. The initial line of defense in the fight against non-pharmaceutical techniques such as social separation and personal isolation are used to disseminate COVID-19. The global epidemic, which is hurting billions of people economically and socially, has reached a tipping point.
spurred the scientific community to develop computer-assisted solutions COVID-19 diagnosis, prevention, and estimation using digital technologies. Several of these
Efforts are centered on statistical and Artificial Intelligence-based data analysis. COVID19 is a virus. All of these scientific endeavors required that the data collected be made public. To encourage expansion, validation, and improvement, the analysis service should be open source. In the fight against the global pandemic, team.
Key words: COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, machine learning, artificial intelligence, open source, data sets