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A cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding diabetes mellitus in diabetic and non-diabetic population

Piyush Makwana, Dharmendra Dodiya, Divyesh Vadasmia.

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Background: A chronic disease, such as diabetes, representing a substantial burden for the patient. To maintain good self-care, patients need to be qualified and able to accept decisions and self-manage the disease on a daily basis. A high level of knowledge about the disease empowers the patient to act as an equal partner in the management of the disease.

Aim and Objectives: This study was aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness among diabetic and non-diabetic population toward diabetes mellitus, different knowledge domain, and to evaluate diabetic patients’ awareness toward anti-diabetic therapy, hypoglycemia management, and their practical approach toward diabetes mellitus control.

Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on validated self-administered questionnaires on diabetes mellitus awareness, knowledge, and practice performed on 100 subjects including 50 diabetic and 50 non-diabetic carried out in outpatient department in civil hospital after taking ethical committee approval.

Results: In diabetic patients, 78% patients were aware of diabetes etiology which is more in male. About 65% patients of diabetic aware of medication knowledge, 60% patients aware of investigation knowledge, 45% patients aware of complication knowledge, and 60% patients aware of hypoglycemic symptoms. While in non-diabetic subjects, 60% aware about diabetes etiology which is more in female. About 50% non-diabetic subjects aware of medication knowledge, 60% aware of investigation knowledge, 30% subjects aware of complication knowledge, and 40% aware of hypoglycemic symptoms.

Conclusion: The study highlighted the need of people for better health information through large scale awareness intervention regarding diabetes. There is definite need to empower patients with knowledge required to help them obtain maximum benefit from their treatment for diabetes.

Key words: Diabetes mellitus; Practice; Drug adherence; General knowledge

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