Islam is a universal religion for all its predecessors, just as the Quran is a universal book for all previous books. But the books that are revealed to the Prophets are in fact the words of Allah. The only difference is that Allah did not take responsibility for the protection and preservation of these books. While in spite of these books, Allah Almighty has taken upon Himself the responsibility of preserving the Quran, the same rule still applies that it is the word of Allah. The changes that have been made in them have not determined, it should also be an honor to be the Divine literature. However, realizing the issue of reading the Torah, the Gospel, and the Bible is very sensitive because they are distorted, therefore the study cannot be allowed to open. In special circumstances it is allowed to read those books but one has to prove right and wrong in them. But nowadays comparative study is an important subject especially in Muslim countries and it is included in the curriculum of Muslims so a question arises here if Christians and Jews converted Islam in the time of Holy Prophet would it be forbidden to read them or they were allowed to read and they did. The main comrades of Holy Prophet were basically the followers of the Torah and the Bible before they converted to Islam, so the question arises from his companions about those books that is it necessary for the ancient religions to study? Answers of such many questions are discussed in this present research work. Descriptive, analytical and evaluative techniques have been used to find out the answers and to meet the objectives of the study. This qualitative research work explores the of commandment of studying Divine books in the light of Seerah.
Key words: Qurʼan, Sacred Books, Words of Allah, Islam,