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Covid-19: A Comprehensive Review of Myths and Facts

Sheetal Agarwal, Ankur Agarwal, Savitri Singh, Sumi Nandwani.

Cited by 2 Articles

Since its discovery in China, Covid-19 caused by novel Corona virus has spread rapidly and engulfed the world as a pandemic of the scale, not seen within last 100 years. Since, viable therapeutic options are still under research and vaccine under various phases of development, governments and health care infrastructure battles across the globe to control the disease unleashed on mankind. The only surest way to win the war against this unprecedented modern global health crisis appears to be dissemination of information, social distancing, curtailing spread from infected persons by covering of mouth and nose, repeated hand hygiene and remaining alert of early symptoms. There has been a spurt in medical literature on various aspects of the disease. We present a comprehensive review of the various widely known facts, some lesser known facts and prevailing myths surrounding the illness through a thorough review of current literature available on PubMed.

Key words: Covid-19, SARS-CoV2, Novel Corona Virus, Pandemic, Myths and Facts

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