Distribution and diversity of endophytic fungal species associated with three medicinal tree species Phyllanthus emblica Linn, Terminalia chebula Retz, and Terminalia bellirica Roxb, whose fruits constitute the triphala an Ayurvedic formulation was assessed, in terms of isolation rate (IR), colonization frequency (CF), absolute frequency (f), relative frequency (RF), and species diversity. Leaf, stem, and bark were selected for the isolation of endophytic fungi. A large number of fungal species representing Hyphomycetes, coelomycetes, and sterile mycelia were found to be associated with different plant parts. Hyphomycetes dominated in all the fungi. Maximum IR was recorded in bark. Diversity indices (Shannon–Wiener and Simpson) varied with the tree species. The diversity richness of fungal endophytes points out facts that these fungal endophytes may play a significant role in plant health, metabolism, and medicinal attributes.
Key words: Keywords: Absolute frequency, Colonization frequency, Endophytic fungi, Isolation rate, Relative frequency, Species diversity