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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 5071-5084

A Stylistic Analysis Of Wild's "The Rose And Nightingale" In Terms Of Halliday And Hassan's Cohesion Model

Salam Abbas Mahmood, Majid Salih Khalaf.


The topic of cohesion has acquired too much attention during the last decades. Many studies have been conducted on the theoretical and practical sides to check how writers use the various linguistic devices to give the text its texture to make it homogeneous and well organized. The present study sheds light on Halliday and Hassan's model on cohesion in English (1976) and its application on Wild's "The Rose and Nightingale". The study has a detailed analysis for the cohesive devices used in the story.

Key words: Lexical Cohesion, Grammatical Cohesion, Texture, the Rose and Nightingale, Oscar Wild.

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