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Guest Editorial

AAM. 2022; 11(3): 200-204

Explained: How to save our environment for our future generations through sustainable food systems?



The food choices which we make in our daily lives are known to have a direct impact on our environment. Our planet earth has been getting warmer in recent years. Asia accounts for nearly half of global green house gas emissions (GHGEs). It is predicted that by 2050, a large number of regions in Asia will be exposed to deadly levels of GHGEs. It is now time that we recognize the environmental impacts of the type and amount of food we eat considering the planet and our health. It is very important to address these issues because a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that our dietary habits are putting a lot of strain on the environment. Encountering the recent trends of overconsumption of discretionary foods (foods and beverages not required to provide nutrients the body needs) is key to aligning human and planetary health. Although the undesirable health effects of discretionary foods are an increased risk of obesity and chronic diseases, the environmental and broader sustainability impacts of these food products require more public awareness, especially since their dietary consumption has been increasing greatly in recent decades. Therefore, moving to more sustainable food choices, dietary patterns, and sustainable diets is required to strengthen global efforts to save our planet earth.

Key words: sustainable food system, environment, discretionary foods

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