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Original Research

NJE. 2020; 27(1): 36-44


Abdullahi BELLO, Donatus Begianpuye ADIE, Umar Alfa ABUBAKAR, Abdulkareem GIWA, Adetunji Olusegun ADEYINKA, Yusuf ADAMU.


Persistent and indiscriminate uses of chemical fertilizer for crops growth had numerous negative effects on the soil over the years. Biofertilizer, which has been reported to be more effective than chemical fertilizer in terms of healthy crop growth without destroying soil ecology lacks awareness. This article investigated the comparisons studies between the chemical and biofertilizers effects on soil properties. The aim was actualized by setting up three replicates (biofertilizer, chemical fertilizer and control) with fifteen (15) numbers of pots in each case. Each pot contained 2000 g of sand with 2-seeds planted in each case. The control replicate was given zero fertilizer treatment. Concentrations of fertilizers were varied on biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer replicates using design expert tool. The physio-chemical properties, soil pH and water holding capacity of the soil were analyzed before planting and afterwards for all the three replicates. The results showed that, the effects of biofertilizer and chemical fertilizer on soil pH are insignificant because, their percentage error differences when compared to the base soil pH are 1.5% and 0% respectively. The carbon to nitrogen ratio in the biofertilizer soil replicate increased from 3.38 to 9.93 after harvest, but decreased to 0.45 in chemical fertilizer soil replicate. The water holding capacity of the biofertilizer soil replicate also increased from 3.26% to 5.55%, while it was reduced to 3.12% in chemical fertilizer replicate. This result shows that, there is 41.26% water holding capacity increase in the biofertilizer soil replicate, compared to the chemical fertilizer soil replicate with 4.29% water loss. It can therefore be concluded that, chemical fertilizer has an adverse effect on soil properties, as evidence from depletion of water holding capacity and organic carbon observed from chemical fertilizer treatment.

Key words: Biofertilizer, chemical fertilizer, soil properties, comparison.

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