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Case Report

EJMCR. 2022; 6(9): 169-172

Case report of an unusual manifestation of anti-GBM disease

John Swayne, Ritienne Debono, Maria Bonello.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Anti-GBM disease is a small vessel vasculitis that occurs when circulating antibodies against the glomerular basement membrane develop. It is a relatively rare disease, occurring in less than two cases per million population. The usual presentation is with renal or lung manifestations or with a combination of both.
Case Presentation: Our case reports a patient who presented with end-stage renal disease secondary to anti-GBM disease, with no pulmonary manifestations, who later presented with a syndrome suggesting cerebral vasculitis, that responded to immunosuppressive treatment.
Conclusion: Cerebral involvement in anti-GBM disease is very rare and to our knowledge, only a few cases have been so far reported.

Key words: Anti-GBM disease, cerebral vasculitis, immunosuppression, small vessel vasculitis.

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