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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 894-900

Investor’s Perception Regarding Mutual Funds Considering Moderation Effect Of Investor’s Risk Profile



Purpose of this paper is to know the perception of investors towards Mutual fund in Indian scenario along with the moderation effect in the perception based on the risk profile of the investors. Data was collected through structured questionnaire from selected sample size and finally 200 responses were used to justify the structure. The study was done with seven constructs namely Market Trends, Return prospect, Technology support, Purpose of Mutual fund investments, Service offered by Mutual fund provider, Investor satisfaction and Investor Advocacy. A structural model was arrived trying various combinations among the variables considered and finally a model with better fit was explored. Overall the moderation effect based on Risk profile seems not significant except the schemes preferred by the investors vary based on the risk profile. Investor Advocacy being the final dependent variable had a direct influence from Investor satisfaction. Other variable considered had a direct relationship with the Investor satisfaction.

Key words: Mutual funds, Perception, Investor satisfaction, Investor Advocacy

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