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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 4998-5004

Comparative Study Of Teaching Chemistry Through Super-Learning Techniques And Traditional Methods In District Lakki Marwat

Zeenat Bibi, Dr. Irfan Ullah Khan, Dr. Matiullah, Dr. Marya Khan, Shabnam Begum, Bibi Ruqia.


This research aims to compare the effects of super learning techniques from the cooperative learning methods and traditional learning methods of teaching chemistry at the secondary level. That is why the main purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of teaching through super-learning techniques with traditional methods of teaching at the secondary level. The study was guided by a null hypothesis that is why the hypothesis of the study was that: there is no significant difference between super learning techniques and traditional methods of teaching at the secondary level. To achieve the desired objectives the researcher randomly selected 20 students for this experimental study as respondents and then divided them according to their age, academic achievement, and intellectual level. An equivalent writing test, developed by the researcher was applied to the control and the experimental groups before the study started to ensure their equivalence; and was also used as a post-test. The result of this study revealed that super learning techniques play a vital role in the teaching of chemistry at the secondary level.

Key words: Super Learning Techniques, Traditional Methods of Teaching, Chemistry, Secondary Level Students, District Lakki Marwat

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