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J Pak Dent Assoc. 2020; 29(0): 36-s42

Remote teaching and supervision of graduate scholars in the unprecedented and testing times

Fazal Ghani.


Supervisor of postgraduate research and education must ensure that scholars are professionally developed and made competent not only in their respective fields but they also come out as useful members of the society and role-models. So far, a supervision that ensures mutual respect and the observing of office hours for learning, meetings, seminars and work has been considered useful and important. The current Covid-19 outbreak in the entire globe has disrupted all education activities to happen in the educational institutions and research laboratories. The declaration, as public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO), of the Covid-19, has required all governments and communities to contain, prevent and control this dreadful virus and infection. In this regard, people including student and teachers at all levels, have been forced to observe social distancing and working from their homes. This unique working situation has created the need to use alternative approaches to teaching and monitoring of learning and research activities. This writing aims to elaborate upon some aspects of remote teaching and supervision of graduate students. It is hoped that it will provide useful guidance both for supervisors and their students.

Key words: Graduate students, Scholars, Emergency remote teaching and supervision, online education and supervision

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