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Influence of different sources of fertilizers and weed control treatments on growth, phenology, and yield of baby corn (Zea mays L.) in the semi-arid region of India

Mustapha Na-Allah Sale, Gurpreet Singh, Sandeep Menon, Jayanti Yomso.

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The field research work was conducted at the teaching and research farm, Department of Agronomy lovely professional university, Punjab during 2021 Kharif season. The research aimed to determine the best fertilizer combination and weed control method for increasing baby corn production. The growth and phenological attributes such as leaf area, leaf area index, days to 50% tasselling, silking, and yield attributes such as cob length, weight, and yield (unhusked) were higher in the application of poultry dropping 1.55 t/ha + 125% RDN in comparison with the remaining treatments. In weed control methods, significantly lower dry weight of weed and maximum weed control efficiency were observed in the post-emergence application of tembotrione 100 mL/ha compared to the weedy check. In addition to these, highest mean values for growth and phenological attributes such as leaf area, leaf area index, days to 50% tasselling, silking, and yield attributes such as cob length, cob weight, and unhusked cob yield per hectare were also recorded in the post-emergence application of Tembotrione 100 mL/ha. The study concludes that poultry manure at 1.55 t/ha + 125% RDN and post-emergence application of tembotrione at 100 mL/ha are most effective for weed control and better yield of baby corn.

Key words: Baby corn, weed, tasselling, silking, poultry manure, phenology

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