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Effect of change in hemoglobin level on the quality of life among adult females in urban population of India

Poorvi Tatia, Sangeetha A, Vishnuprasaath S, Kumaresan M, Vijayalakshmi B.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Most physicians appear to be aware of the health consequences of advanced anemia, a frequent cause of morbidity in both developed and developing nations alike. Hemoglobin is an important determinant of the body’s work efficiency and can impact one’s physical and mental well-being.

Aim and Objective: The aim is to assess the effect of variations in hemoglobin level on the quality of life among adult females in the urban population.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was conducted among adult females between the age groups of 18 and 40 years.

Results: In total 100 female individuals, 51% had 12–15 g% of hemoglobin. About 47.9% of females had regular menstrual cycle, 64% of the population had 6–7 h of sleep every day.

Conclusion: These findings suggest that there is an improvement in health-related quality of life with increase hemoglobin levels.

Key words: Hemoglobin Levels; Adult Females; Anemia; Menstrual Cycle

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