Objective: To find the knowledge, attitude and barriers towards evidence based practice (EBP) among physical therapists.
Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional survey included 3 Physical therapists of different government and private hospitals with more than 2 years of working experience. We used non-probability convenient sampling technique. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.
Results: Most of the participants (50.79%) agreed that EBP is necessary in their daily physical therapy practice and it helps making decisions about patient care (63.49%). They stated that they read 2-5 articles in a typical month (52.38%) which help improve patient care (68.25%). Majority of the participants (77.78%) were confident in conducting search to answer their clinical questions and in critically reviewing relevant literature (65.08%). Overall results showed that Physical therapists have good knowledge (87.30%) and a positive attitude (90.47%) towards EBP. Insufficient time (58.73%) was ranked as the greatest barrier for EBP.
Conclusion: Physical therapists in Lahore showed a positive attitude towards EBP. They had good knowledge and skills on it. They are willing to learn more about EBP and implementing it in their clinical practice. Barriers must be understood and overcome to promote EBP.
Key words: Attitude, barriers, Evidence-Based Practice, knowledge, physical therapist, Ccinical practice, research.