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Use of Reconstructive Flaps In Neurosurgery - The Role Of ‘Neuroplastic Surgery’ As An Emerging Speciality

Lekshmi S Bhooshan, Vinu V Gopal.

Cited by 0 Articles

Introduction: Neuroplastic surgery is a novel unexplored area in modern Neurosurgical practice. In this article, we share our tertiary care experience where plastic surgery techniques and reconstructive flap surgeries were used to tackle complex neurosurgical challenges.
Material and Methods
A retrospective study was conducted in tertiary care in South India for five years, from 2015- 2020. Patients admitted to Neurosurgery who required reconstructive flaps to manage complex defects were included in the study. The patient details were obtained from the hospital records and registers after obtaining permission from the Institutional review board. Various neuroplastic procedures are outlined with a brief description of the procedure with figures and outcomes. The cases were followed up for complications. The outcome of the procedure and complications developed are described along with each procedure.
Complex reconstructive flaps in our institution are outlined with a brief description of the procedure, figures, and outcomes. The cases were followed up for complications. The outcome of the procedure and complications developed are described along with each procedure.
The reconstructive flap procedures were described in detail, and the outcome was analysed using descriptive statistics and relevant photographs of representative cases.
Conclusion: Neuroplastic surgery is a new, fast-evolving speciality with promising prospects for surgeons in neurosurgery and plastic & reconstructive surgery. This demonstration of complex flap techniques will motivate young surgeons working in this field to take up this field as a new speciality.

Key words: Neuroplastic, Flap, Reconstruction

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