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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 3287-3293

Indian Philosophical Approaches On Environmental Ethics

Swapan Saha.


Mastery or dominion has been a common theme in people's interactions with the natural world throughout recorded history. Human behavior on the environment was formerly viewed as ethically neutral. Recently, mankind has finally come to comprehend that their actions in nature have wreaked havoc on the delicate balance of nature. Developing a strong sense of personal environmental ethics is essential if people are to be able to make sound judgments about environmental concerns that aren't destructive to their communities, countries, or the entire planet. Environmental ethics must focus on refining the individual's ideas so as not to put the well-being and security of other living species at risk. Putting the health of an individual at risk or the well-being of a community at risk is a violation of ethics.

Key words: Environmental Ethics, Philosophy, Nature, Ecosystems, Religion.

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