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Research Article

EEO. 2022; 21(3): 136-146

Constitutionalizing The Right To A Safe Environment In The Algerian Constitutions

Dr. Ikram Mahfoud, Dr. Sid Ahmed Soufiane.


The increasing human right to live in a safe environment pushed many modern constitutions to devote an important position for it in their provisions. However, classifying this right inside the Algerian constitutions differs from one to another. The constitutional founder had pointed to this right implicitly since the1st constitution in 1963 until that of 2016 where he clearly provided, for the 1st time, for the human right to live in a safe environment. Later, the constitution of 2020 had been issued and added a set of principles and regulations that contribute to protecting the environment and limiting the deterioration of the human environment in order to achieve an effective protection of this right.

Key words: international law; human rights; the right to a safe environment; Algerian constitutions.

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