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  1. Helicobacter Pylori Infection And Precancerous Lesions of The Stomach
    Adem Haziri, Argjira Juniku-Shkololli, Zaim Gashi, Drita Berisha, Avni Haziri
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 248-249
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  2. Frequency of the Central Venous Catheter Colonization in Surgical Intensive Care Unit
    Samir Hodzic, Nijaz Tihic, Jasmina Smajic, Muhamed Omerbegovic, Mirsad Sljivic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 245-247
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  3. Investigation of Health Effects of Current Levels of Environmental Sanitation and Hygienic Living Conditions of Rural Population in the Municipality of Zenica
    Salih Tandir, Senad Huseinagic, Suad Sivic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 240-244
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  4. Problems in Surveillance on Safe Immunization Conducting in Everyday Practice
    Zoran Velickovic, Dragan Jankovic, Miodrag Perovic, Branislav Tiodorovic, Predrag Miljkovic, Natasa Rancic, Mihajlo Spasic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 235-239
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  5. Comparison of Epidural Morphine Versus Intramuscular Morphine for Postoperative Analgesia
    Nehat Baftiu, Burhan Hadri, Aziz Mustafa
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 231-234
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  6. Dexamethasone as Adjuvant Therapy in the Treatment of Invasive Meningococcal Diseases
    Ilir Tolaj , Shemsedin Dreshaj, Emine Qehaja, Jasmina Tolaj, Teuta Doda-Ejupi, Murat Mehmeti
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 228-230
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  7. The efficiency of Bonviva (Ibadronate) in Women with Pre-post Menopause
    Valbona Duraj, Teuta Backa, Edvin Rapushi, Artur Zoto, Enver Roshi
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 225-227
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  8. Musculus Extensor Digitorum Brevis is Clinical and Electrophysiological Marker for L5/S1 Radicular Lesions
    Osman Sinanovic, Nermina Custovic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 223-224
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  9. Biochemical Markers of Iron Status in Hemodialysis Patients
    Fatima Hukic, Sabina Nuhbegovic, Selmira Brkic, Edin Ostrvica, Sunita Custendil-Delic, Sehveta Mustafic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 219-222
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  10. Induction of Chromosome Aberrations in the Allium Cepa Test System Caused by the Exposure of Cells to Benzo(a)pyrene
    Mirsad Cabaravdic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 215-218
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  11. Serum Concentrations of Interferon-gamma (IFN-g) in Patients with Alopecia areata: Correlation with clinical type and duration of the disease
    Emina Kasumagic-Halilovic, Asja Prohic, Jasenko Karamehic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 212-214
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  12. Effect of Probiotics on Liver Function After Surgery Resection for Malignancy in the Liver Cirrhotic
    Zijah Rifatbegovic, Deso Mesic, Farid Ljuca, Muharem Zildzic, Mustafa Avdagic, Kemal Grbic, Mirha Agic, Bahrudin Hadziefendic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 208-211
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  13. Cerebrovascular Events: Correlation with Plaque Type, Velocity Parameters and Multiple Risk Factors
    Mirza Dilic, Mehmed Kulic, Sefkija Balic, Alen Dzubur, Amel Hadzimehmedagic, Haris Vranic, Suada Svrakic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 204-207
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  14. Development Ontogenesis of Receptor Tracheobronchial System in Isolated Preparations of Pigs Trachea in Vitro
    Hilmi Islami, Vehbi Shehu, Bedri Abdullahu, Valon Krasniqi
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 200-203
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  15. S tudy of Formulation of Pharmaceutical Forms of Paracetamol in Medical Practice
    Bedri Abdullahu, Azem Lajçi, Vehbi Shehu, Shaip Krasniqi, Hilmi Islami
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(4): 196-198
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  16. Tuberculous meningoencephalitis
    Sefedin Muçaj, Shemsedin Dreshaj, Serbeze Kabashi, Hajrije Hundozi, Sanije Gashi, Valbona Zhjeqi, Nexhmedin Shala, Manushaqe Kryeziu
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(3): 189-190
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  17. Treatment of Common Bile Duct Stones – is the Role of ERCP Changed in Era of Minimally Invasive Surgery?
    Josip Samardzic, Ferid Latic, Darko Kraljik, Vlatka Pitlovic, Hrvoje Mrkovic, Djuro Miskic, Azra Latic, Samir Delibegovic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(3): 187-188
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  18. Information About Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Undergraduate Students in Tirana, Albania
    Llukan Rrumbullaku, Genc Burazeri, , Enver Roshi
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(3): 183-186
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  19. Clinical Characteristics and Estimation Severity of the Atopic Dermatitis in Children
    Almira Cosickic, Fahrija Skokic, Belkisa Colic-Hadzic, Maida Jahic
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(3): 178-182
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  20. Impact of Parity and Intrauterine Fetal Condition During Vacuum Extraction
    Myrvete Paçarada, Fehmi Zeqiri, Sejdullah Hoxha, Zeqir Dervishi, Niltene Kongjeli, Gyltene Kongjeli, Hana Qavdarbasha
    Med Arch. 2010; 64(3): 175-177
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