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Book Review




Quality and safety in anesthesia and perioperative care. Keith J. Ruskin, Marjorie P. Stiegler and Stanley H. Rosenbaum (editors). Printed by Webcom, Inc., Canada and published byOxford University Press 2016. Pp. 299: indexed : illustrated.
ISBN 978-0-19-936614-9

The book starts with an introduction to patient safety in a distinct healthcare discipline: the evidence base for effectiveness; changes in training;
And changes in organization.

Chapter on the error and violations speaks clearly the difference between the two terms. It differentiates the common human mistakes form the professional negligence occur during patient care in Operating rooms during perioperative period in a very common and understandable way. It clearly demarcates a line between these two terms helping in investigating a misshape case during patient care.
The advanced healthcare technology is a story of success but at the same time causes much problems and challenges for the end users. This book illustrated well all these issues and problems and gives solution for all these troubleshoots in a nice and comprehensive way so that one can easily deal with this complex working envoirment.
In the latest report published in 2018, anesthesiologists are among the top three who committed suicide due to workplace pressure. A chapter on Fatigue in this book speaks particularly about the physical, mental and social pressures on an anesthesiologist and gives details about the causative agents and contributing factors. At the end, it gives solution of such scenarios in a detail and effective way.
Chapter on situation awareness beautifully through light on the important matter that how can we judge the difficult situations earlier and deal with then in timely manner.
This book gives a review that how can we create a culture of safety in our working place by prevention of adverse events and how can we deal with the complex system. It gives wonderful ideas of crisis resource management by quality management programmes by using health information technology not only in our Ors and closed working places but also at the remote locations.
This book also focus on anesthesiologist training and activities that concern the management of critically ill patients and the avoidance of catastrophe. It has thorough descriptions of clinical conditions and is easy to understand
What could be done better? This book is not easy to read because of the closely typed small print; it would have benefited
from more attention to the layout at the expense of a few more pages.
An ideal arrangement for the reader
would be for the electronic version to be available at no cost to purchasers of the hard copy or at a significant reduction.

The book will repay careful reading and re-reading. Thereafter it is likely to remain a valuable reference volume for a considerable time..it contains a great deal of information which is otherwise difficult to trace in the literature.

Do I recommend buying this manual? The answer has to be `yes'. Readable and useful textbooks of pain are thin on the ground and overall the editors are to be congratulated on collecting together some excellent reviews, which well outweigh
the less useful contributions. This is a manual that I will use frequently for reference. It is reasonably priced and worth
investing in individually as well as for the library. It is a book to be recommended to trainees, but it will have to be counterbalanced by a great deal of exposure to a more rounded,
multidisciplinary approach to the field.

Reviewed By:

Dr.Muhammad Aasam Masoom Maan
Assistant Professor Anesthesia & ICU
Faisalabad Medical University


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