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Effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cereviciae) fermented rice bran with urea on the production performance of broiler.

Ruckshana Islam Liza, Jamia Ismita, Khan Md. Shaiful Islam, Rakhi Chowdhury, Momota Rani Debi, Naimur Rahman Joy.


Abstract: In a feeding trial rice bran (RB) was fermented by baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) along with urea to inspect its effect on crude fiber (CF), crude protein (CP) level and production performances of broiler. A total of 90 day old Cobb 500 commercial broiler chicks were randomly allocated to 3 dietary groups with 3 replicate cages and 30 birds each for 35 days. Dietary groups were- Group 1: Diet contains 7% Rice Bran (control); Group 2: Diet contains 3.5% RB + 3.5% yeast fermented RB along with urea (YUFRB), and Group 3: Diet contains 7% YUFRB. All groups were under same management practices following ad libitum feed and water. Live weight, feed offered and feed refusal was recorded weekly. At the end of the trail, total 9 broilers (one bird/replicate cage) were slaughtered to collect blood sample and to determine carcass characteristics. Due to fermentation of RB by yeast and urea, significant (p< 0.05) increase were observed in proximate components. A 7.72% increased CP and 2.3% decreased CF were obtained in YUFRB. Significantly (p< 0.05) higher live weight (1418 g/bird), cumulative weight gain (1348 g/bird), feed intake (2279 g/birds) and better (1.69) feed conversion ratio (FCR) was observed in 7% YUFRB group. 3.5% RB +3.5% YUFRB group performed better (p< 0.05) than control. Dressed carcass wt. was more or less similar in all the dietary groups (p> 0.05). Cholesterol concentration was low in fermented groups (p< 0.05). It can be concluded that fermentation of rice bran by baker’s yeast along with urea improves protein content and reduces fiber contents; its addition in broiler diet improves growth performances and lowers cholesterol level in broiler.

Key words: Keywords: Rice bran, urea, baker’s yeast, fermentation, production performance

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