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Original Article

JJEE. 2023; 9(3): 301-321

Optimal Integration of PV-Based Distributed Generators and Shunt Capacitors for 69 Bus System using Imperialist Competitive Algorithm and ETAP Software

Ankush Tandon, Sarfaraz Nawaz.


Optimal deployment of photovoltaic-based distributed generators (PVDG) and shunt capacitor units is a perilous task in modern power system planning. This work presents an effective Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) based on social political process for selecting the best locations and sizes for PVDGs and shunt capacitor units. Three different load patterns, i.e., nominal, decremented and incremented are taken into account while installing PVDG and shunt capacitor units in the typical radial distribution systems of 69-bus. The primary objective of this work is to reduce active power losses and to significantly improve the voltage pattern after positioning of PVDG and capacitor units. The results show that the losses are reduced significantly by integrating the PVDG and capacitor units simultaneously at the optimum position in the test system. Furthermore, results of simulating the 69 bus system (with the integrated PVDG and capacitors) prove to be promising and authentic.

Key words: Imperialist competitive algorithm; ETAP software; Photovoltaic-based distributed generators.

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