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Initiation of mechanical weaning of ICU patients and investigation of nurses' knowledge and role.

Anastasios Tzenalis, Sofia Kleisiari, Kipourgos George, Eleni Albani, George Elesnitsalis.


Introduction: The process of weaning from MV involves a methodical practice, during which certain conditions should be met. Critical care nurses play a key role in the ongoing assessment and monitoring of the patient weaned from MV, using a thorough 'Airway, Breathing and Circulation' approach. Adjusting weaning parameters requires a high level of skill and training, as well as a good knowledge of cardiorespiratory physiology and pathophysiology. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of ICU nurses and the level of knowledge they possess regarding the process of weaning patients from MV.
Materials and Methods: The research was conducted in a sample of 90 employees in the ICU of a General Hospital. A quantitative survey was conducted with a questionnaire, during the time-period July-September 2021. The questionnaire used for data collection consists of 43 questions categorised as follows: a) Demographic data; b) Overview of mechanical ventilation recovery; c) Mechanical ventilation weaning methods and methods; d) Evaluation criteria weaning readiness; e) Spontaneous respiration test, g) Causes of intubation failure; h) Weaning protocols and suppression.
Results: Most nurses did not answer all the questions correctly, meaning nurses do not have the required knowledge and skills to successfully manage patient intubation. Two more key findings of this research were: a) protocols can help in the successful intubation of the patient; b) nurses need training in successfully ossifying patients.
Conclusions: There is a need for nurses to participate in continuing education programs, as well as a need to create an interdisciplinary team. However, further research on a larger sample of respondents is necessary in order to extract results that can be generalized.

Key words: ICU, mechanical support, intubation, nurse

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