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Research Article

EEO. 2007; 6(2): 197-203

The Effect of Cooperative Learning “Jigsaw I” Technique on Student Success in Social Studies Course

Züleyha Avşar,Seçil Alkış.


The present study investigates the effects of Jigsaw I, one of the techniques in cooperative learning, on student success in social studies course and in the study pre-test post-test control group design, one of the experimental designs, has been used. As a data collection instrument, an achievement test that included “My Far Away Friends” unit was developed and applied as pre-test and post-test. While this unit was taught by means of cooperative learning by the researchers to the experiment group, it was taught using traditional method by the class teacher to the control group. In order to evaluate the data SPSS programme was used. As a result, it was determined that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test points of the control and experiment groups. In addition, the success level of the two groups of students showed a significant difference between pre and post implementation. In other words, it was found significant that being the member of these groups, in which different methods were applied, and repetitive measurement had a common effect on the success in social studies course. Therefore, it is thought that cooperative learning is much more effective than traditional method.

Key words: Cooperative learning, jigsaw I, social studies course

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