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2122 articles found.

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  1. Assessment of Knowledge and Practice of Management of Hypertension in Primary Healthcare Centers in Sokoto Metropolis
    Bello Arkilla Magaji, Hudu Garba Illo, Usman Mohammad Alfa, Eterikang Bigman, Aminu Sada, Zainab Bashir,
    Journal of Public Health and Community Medicine. 2025; 3(3): 155-161.
  2. Nutritive values, Mineral and Antioxidant properties of Pistia stratiotes (Water lettuce)
    R .S.U. Wasagu, M. Lawal, S. Shehu H.H. Alfa and C. Muhammad
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2013; 21(4): 253-257.
    Umar Alfa ABUBAKAR, Fatima Badiru IBRAHIM, Badruddeen Saulawa SANI
    Nigerian Journal of Engineering. 2020; 27(1): 18-24.
  4. A Nasopharyngeal foreign body presenting as adenoid
    M Usman Ahmed, M Riaz Akhter, Tariq M Mufti, Amanat Khan, Amna Usman
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2007; 32(2): 203-204.
  5. Gram negative organisms in community acquired respiratory tract infections
    Muhammad Usman Shah, Mobasser Mahmood, Javaid Usman, Fatima Kaleem, Ali Khalid
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2013; 3(1): 8-11.
  6. The Model of Organizational Performance: The Islamic Educational Approach
    Usman Effendi, SondangMaria Silaen, RyandiFerdiannur Usman, FarizalJustianUsman
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 677-691.
  7. Metal splints for ear keloids recurrence; experience in 10 cases
    M Usman Ahmed, Amna Usman, M Riaz Akhter, Muhammad Ajmal Waqar Khan, Musharraf Baig
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2007; 32(2): 197-198.
  8. Hypothetical Assessment of Corporate Governance Theories and Strategies Influence on The Firm Performance
    Dr. Bushra Usman, Dr. Salman Masood Sheikh, Dr. Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Pirzada Sami Ullah Sabri
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 553-563.
  9. Impact of Industrial Munificence, Industry Dynamism and Asset Structure on the Firm Leverage
    Dr. Bushra Usman, Dr. Salman Masood Sheikh, Dr. Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Dr. Muhammad Wasim Akram
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 188-198.
  10. Familial Joubert Syndrome in two siblings: a case report
    Muhammad Usman, Imaad -Ur- Rehman, Rehmani Aniqah Jawad, Samina Akhtar, Rashed Nazir, Atif Rana, Mohammad Yousaf Chaudhry
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2012; 37(1): 56-57.
  11. Cryptococcus Neoformans Isolated from Pigeon, Chicken Dropping Samples and Dust Collected From Their House on Urease Hydrolysis
    Ehsan A. Elkady and Helmy Torky
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2016; 51(2): 122-128.
    Abubakar Sadiq Isah; Ismail Abubakar; Umar Alfa Abubakar; Muhammad Mujahid Muhammad
    Nigerian Journal of Engineering. 2021; 28(3): 7-14.
  13. Postoperative Outcome Comparison Between Pudendal Nerve Block and Caudal Block After Lateral Open Internal Sphincterotomy
    Hazem Mohammad Alkhaldi, Wasfi Mohammad Salaita, Mohammad Ahmad Shabaneh, Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Horut, Raed Mohameh Abu Azzam Aldabbas, Ahmad Ali Uraiqat
    Medical Archives. 2015; 69(3): 187-189.
  14. Idiopathic pericardial effusion in 2 year old labrador managed with ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis: Case report
    John Bayo Adeyanju, Ruby Perry, Abubakar Sadiq Yakubu, Aliyu Jibril, Adamu Zoaka Hassan
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2012; 10(1): 36-39.
  15. Awareness of hazards of Radiation in patients visiting Radiology department of Social Security hospital Islamabad
    Naushaba Malik, Fatima Usman, Shazia Fatima, Ghazal Jameel, Usman Ali Trimizi
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2014; 39(4): 372-375.
  16. Medical undergraduates’ feedback towards Problem-based learning (PBL): College of Medicine, Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
    Mohammad Rehan Asad, Mohammad Al Mansour, Khwaja Mohammad Amir, Kamran Afzal, Ghassan Al Matlooby
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2017; 5(2): 87-98.
  17. Tears Stability in Acute Infective and Allergic Conjunctivitis

    Nihat Polat1, İbrahim Tuncer2

    Annals of Medical Research. 2014; 21(3): 177-180.
  18. Prevalence of Dentine Hypersensitivity and Associated Factors among Adult Patients Attending Dental Surgery Clinic, Federal Medical Centre Gusau
    Mohammad Kaura Abubakar, Rufai Jaafaru, Mujtaba Bala, Bamgbose Babatunde Olamide, Anas Tsafe Bawa, Sambo Sulaiman,
    European Journal of Dental Research. 2024; 1(2): 36-44.
  19. Comparison of Students’ Performance in PBL test and Traditional test in Islamabad Medical and Dental College, Islamabad, Pakistan
    Sadia Haroon, Sadaf Jaffer, Sadaf Hasan, Quratulain Zia, Mohammad Usman
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2015; 40(1): 101-103.
    Rufai Iliyasu, Dr. Abbas Faruoq Umar, Yusif Sani Muhammad , Salihu Gambo, Kamalluddeen Abdulkarim, Zurki Ibrahim,
    Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences). 2022; 22(2): 460-466.
  21. Elephantiasis gingivae: A report of a rare clinical presentation
    Mohammad Kaura Abubakar, Mujtaba Bala, Anas Tsafe Bawa,
    Case Reports and Series in Medicine. 2024; 1(1): 6-10.
  22. Facies analysis and paleoenvironment of deposition of Cretaceous Jessu Formation, Yola Sub-basin, Northern Benue Trough, Nigeria
    Musa Bappah Usman , Yusuf Dabari Mamman , Babangida M. Sarki Yandoka , Abubakar Mohammed , Binan Bulus , Usman Abubakar , Abdulwahab M. Bello ,
    Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences). 2019; 18(1): 19-30.
    Suleiman, S. and Usman, U.
    Equity Journal of Science and Technology. 2016; 4(1): 93-97.
  24. A New Generating Function for Aunu Patterns: Applications in Integer Group Modulo n
    A Usman, AA Ibrahim
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2011; 19(1): 1-4.
  25. COVID Vaccine: Perceptions, myths and realities
    Javaid Usman
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2021; 46(1): 1-2.
  26. Factors Affecting Journal Quality Indicator in Scopus (SCImago Journal Rank) in Obstetrics and Gynecology Journals: a Longitudinal Study (1999-2013)
    Jamshid Jamali, Mohammad Salehi-Marzijarani, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Ayatollahi
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2014; 22(6): 385-388.
  27. Evidence Based Transfusion Practice in surgical intensive care unit at a tertiary care hospital
    Muhammad Zubair, Mohammad Nasir Ayub Khan, Mohammad Zameer
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(2): 223-225.
  28. Descriptive Epidemiology of Typical Physical Disabilities in Medina: A Clinic-Based Study
    Abu Zeeshan Bari, Abdullah Mohammad Al-Shenqiti, Mohammad Shehzad Hassan, Naveed Ahmed
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2019; 8(2): 95-100.
  29. Antibiotic resistance patterns of STEC and ETEC strains: A study on frozen foods of animal origin and children with acute diarrhea
    Enayatolah Kalantar, Mohammad Yousef Alikhani, Mohammad Hassan Naseri, Vahideh Torabi
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2013; 3(1): 31-35.
  30. Descriptive epidemiology of typical physical disabilities in Medina: A clinic-based study
    Abu Zeeshan Bari, Abdullah Mohammad Al Shenqiti, Mohammad Shehzad Hassan, Naveed Ahmed
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2021; 9(1): 1-6.
  31. Is DAIR Still an Effective Way to Eradicate Acute Prosthetic Joint Infections? Our Experience in the Jordanian Royal Medical Services
    Malik Ghnaimat, Almuthanna Alyamani, Mohammad Obeidat, Ashraf Jbarat, Mohammad Abushahot
    Medical Archives. 2021; 75(6): 451-455.
    Danjumma, B. J., Bello, R. and Usman, M. S.
    Equity Journal of Science and Technology. 2016; 4(1): 31-33.
  33. Optimal Integration of Distributed Generation for Power Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Enhancement using Small Population Particle Swarm Optimization
    I. Musa,; H. Salawu, A. D. Usman
    Nigerian Journal of Engineering. 2021; 28(2): 7-14.
  34. Comparing the post-operative complications in pediatric patients undergoing cardiovascular procedures at a single institute
    Usman Younis Panni, Asra Wahid, Mohammad Qasim Mehdi, Arsal Tharwani, Muhammad Muneer Amanullah
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2019; 5(3): 144-148.
  35. Knowledge Management and its Impact on the Organizational Learning: An Experimental Study
    Salman Mohammad Abu Lehyeh, Malek Alharafsheh, Emad Ahmed, Mohammad Alzghoul, Diya Ali Alnawafleh
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 5752-5763.
  36. Presenting a Model to Evaluate Factors Affecting Outsourcing of Health Information Technology Services
    Mohammad Shirdeli, Sahar Zare, Erfan Kharazmi, Rita Rezaee, Mohammad Hadi Maher
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2018; 26(3): 190-194.
  37. Profile of Stroke in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Saudi Arabia with Special Emphasis on Permanent Vegetative State after Stroke
    Nermin A Hamdy, Mohammad Jawad Alamgir, El Gamri E Mohammad, Mahmoud H Khedr, Shafat Fazili
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2014; 2(2): 17-22.
  38. Hormonal And Chemical Study of Cervical Mucus in Normal and Repeat Breeder Cows
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2021; 12(4): 139-143.
  39. The Role of Syrian Asylum on Jordanian Society between 2011 and 2017
    Mohammad mansurtayemalharbi, EZAT S.A. AL-ELIWAT, Qusai Mohammad QasimAlabed
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 5857-5867.
  40. The Effects of Pedometer–Based Intervention on Patients After Total Knee Replacement Surgeries
    Mohammad Zaid Darabseh, Mohammad Rawashdeh, Fayeq Darwish
    International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS). 2017; 6(1): 17-24.
  41. Benzodiazepines Co-ingestion in Reducing Tricyclic Antidepressant Toxicity
    Nastaran Eizadi-Mood, Ali Mohammad Sabzghabaee, Mahmoud Saghaei, Farzad Gheshlaghi, Behnaz Mohammad-Ebrahimi
    Medical Archives. 2012; 66(1): 49-52.
  42. Hepatitis C Treatment in Patients with Drug Addiction Is Effective or Not Effective?
    Seyed Amineh Hojati, Elham Maserat, Mohammad Ghorbani, Alireza Safarpour, Mohammad Reza Fattehi
    Medical Archives. 2018; 72(5): 325-329.
  43. Comparison of tympanic temperature readings with axillary thermometer in the OPD setting
    Munir Malik,1 Mohammad Zafar Rabbani,2 Mohammed Amir,3 Uzma Afzal1 Mohammad Umair Malik4
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(2): 216-218.
  44. Lipid Peroxidation and lipid Profile in Hypertensive Patients in Sokoto, Nigeria
    U, Wali, A.A. Binji, K. Ahmad and A. Usman
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2012; 20(3): 199-204.
  45. Role of International Fund for Agricultural Development/ Community Based Agricultural and Rural Development Programme (IFAD/CBARDP) in Improving the Livelihood of Rural Women: A Case Study of Aliero Local Government Area, Kebbi State, Nigeria
    A.I. Illo, A.K, Ango, H. Usman, and Z. Aminu
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2015; 23(1): 23-30.
    Danladi, Y. K., Usman, A., Manga, S. S. and Isyaku, N. T.
    Equity Journal of Science and Technology. 2013; 1(1): 28-32.
  47. Investigation of subsurface structural competence for building foundation in Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero
    *Usman A., Jonathan L.A., Lawal M.M., Onotu M.K
    Science Journal of Advanced and Cognitive Research. 2020; 1(1): 44-53.
  48. Pharmacy Preparedness in Disaster Management in Pediatric Emergency Department (PED)
    Dr Faiza Usman
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2024; 5(1): S46-S46.
  49. Incidence of trypanosomes among White Fulani and Sokoto Gudali breeds of cattle in Niger state, Nigeria.
    JY Adama, A Usman, R Maigida & RA Adeyemi
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2010; 8(1): 22-25.
  50. Investigation of the Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Organizational Citizen Behavior Among the Staff of Teaching Hospital
    Mohammad Zakaria Kiaei, Edris Hasanpoor, Mobin Sokhanvar, Mohammad Mohseni, Hajarbibi Ziaiifar, Mahin Moradi
    Materia Socio Medica. 2014; 26(5): 313-317.
  51. Analgesic effect of preincisional infiltration using lidocaine with different concentrations on video-assisted sympathectomy
    Ahed Mohammad Al-Edwan, Jamal Abdelaziz Izat, Ala Mohammad Qayet
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2012; 37(1): 27-29.
  52. Vitamin D (25-OH) levels in asymptomatic healthy population
    Sardar Sohail Afsar, Mohammad Idrees, Mohammad Gulzar
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2014; 39(2): 124-127.
  53. Existence of Rule of Halves in Hypertension: an Exploratory Analysis in an Indian Village
    Nafis Faizi, Anees Ahmad, Najam Khalique, Mohammad Salman Shah, Mohammad Shibly Khan, Mohd Maroof
    Materia Socio Medica. 2016; 28(2): 95-98.
  54. Ex-vivo cytotoxic, antibacterial and DPPH free radical scavenging assay with ethanolic leaf extract of Glycosmis pentaphylla to justify its traditional use
    Prawej Ansari1,2*, AKM Riasat Ul Islam2, Anaytulla1, Mahmuda Sultana3, Mohammad Nazmul Alam1, Mohammad Mustakim1, Md. Nasir Uddin4
    Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2015; 2(7): 324-332.
  55. Regression Model for Prediction of Fuel Consumption and Grain Losses of a Self -Propelled Paddy Reaper R180 GD
    Mohammed Shuaibu ABUBAKARr; Usman MUHAMMAD
    Nigerian Journal of Engineering. 2020; 27(2): 35-44.
  56. Isolation and Identification of Fungi Associated with the Spoilage of Sweet Orange (Citrus Sinensis) Fruits In Sokoto State
    I.Y. Tafinta, K.Shehu, H. Abdulganiyyu, A.M. Rabe and A. Usman
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2013; 21(3): 193-196.
  57. Arterial Ischemic Stroke with Protein S Deficiency in Pakistan
    Faika Usman, Ali Hassan, Arsalan Ahmad
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2007; 32(2): 205-209.
  58. Risk factors and pattern of stroke in Islamabad, Pakistan
    Arsalan Ahmad, Faika Usman, Ali Hassan
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2009; 34(1): 47-50.
  59. Markers of Diabetic Nephropathy in Diabetic Patients in Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
    A. Usman, R.A. Umar, N.I. Shehu, U. Wali and A. Nasir
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2012; 20(2): 130-133.
  60. Haematological Characteristics and Blood Urea Nitrogen of Sokoto Red Goat Kids Fed Fore-Stomach Digesta as Replacement for Cowpea Husk
    H. B. Usman, S.A. Maigandi, W. Akin Hassan and, A.I. Daneji
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2008; 16(2): 227-233.
  61. Synthesis, Characterization and Efficiency of Alum Produced from Waste Aluminium Cans for Wastewater Treatment
    A.L. Adejumo, R.U. Owolabi, S.A. Adebisi, W.A. Agbaje, M.A. Usman
    Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2016; 3(2): 8-13.
  62. The prevalence of ligamentum flavum hypertrophy in our patients with spinal canal stenosis
    Omar S. Bani Ahmad, Moutasem N. Al-Zubi, Mohammad A. Alsukour, Mohammad J. Ismail, Anan H. Qabaha
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2019; 44(2): 341-343.
  63. Postoperative Cardiac Arrest in Cardiac Surgery–How to Improve the Outcome?
    Ashraf Fadel Moh’d, Mohammad Abdallah Khasawneh, Hayel Talal Al-Odwan, Yaser Ahmad Alghoul, Zeid Mohammad Makahleh, Salah E Altarabsheh
    Medical Archives. 2021; 75(2): 149-153.
  64. A Study On The Effect Of Advertisement On Consumer Brand Preference
    Dr. Usman Mohideen K S, Vijayaraghavan K S, Dr. S Safeena Hassan, Monisha R
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 4837-4846.
  65. Sustainable supply chain performance of Pakistan’s halal meat industry: intermediating role of global technical standards (gts) in the framework of quality function deployment (qfd) model
    Noor Asfia, Muhammad Usman, Shahid Munir
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 1641-1658.
  66. An Empirical Analysis On Role Of Job Satisfaction On Organisational Commitment With Reference To Teaching Faculties In Private Colleges
    Dr. Usman Mohideen K S, Preethi A, Manjula V, Durairaj K, Dr Ganesan M,
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6678-6686.
  67. A Study On Impact Of Social Media On Online Shopping Behaviour Of Youngsters
    Dr. Usman Mohideen K S, Bharathi, Dr Kanasingam, Sujith Kumar V
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(2): 1914-1925.
  68. Functional outcome congenital talipes equinovarus in walking age treated using below knee serial casting
    Alfa Januar Krista, Henry Yurianto, Muhammad Ruksal Saleh
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(12): 971-974.
  69. Risk factors of epilepsy among Saudi Arabian children: a systematic review
    Bader Alghamdi, Laila Zamil Alzamil, Lujain Sami Alhomood, Layan Ahmed Alrehaili, Lujain Ahmed Alleft, Renad Alsuhaibani, Aljawharah Mohammed Alshahrani, Rawan Abdulrahman Bayamin, Aseel Ali Alomireeni
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2025; 9(2): 517-523.
  70. Studying the Rate and Causes of Discharge Against Medical Advice in Hospitals Affiliated to Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
    Shirzad Asadollah Pour Karimi, Benyamin Mohseni Saravi, Ebrahim Bagherian Farahabbadi, Daniel Zamanfar, Mohammad Fallah,, Mohammad Asadi Abokheily
    Materia Socio Medica. 2014; 26(3): 203-207.
  71. Knowledge, attitude, and practice: crosssectional study of pseudo-hyperglycemia and effects of unwashed hands among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Amani Abualnaja, Nadeef Alqahtani, Jood Alnojaidi, Dalal Aldossari, Yara Aldosari, Shuruq Alkhalaf, Amal Alnafisi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(3): 954-961.
    Abdullahi BELLO, Donatus Begianpuye ADIE, Umar Alfa ABUBAKAR, Abdulkareem GIWA, Adetunji Olusegun ADEYINKA, Yusuf ADAMU
    Nigerian Journal of Engineering. 2020; 27(1): 36-44.
  73. Effect of Counselling and Reminder Text Messages Follow-Up on Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy in Hajiya Gambo Sawaba General Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria
    Mustapha A. Alfa, A. U. Zezi, S. S. Gyang, H. Yusuf, I. M. Aliyu
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(9): 174-178.
  74. Mathematical Model for the Dynamics of β-cell Mass, Insulin-Glucose Kinetics Incorporating the Effect of Cortisol, Epinephrine and Physiological Delay
    Usman Alani Solomon,
    Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences). 2021; 21(3): 488-494.
  75. The phenomenon of postoperative sensitivity and composite restorations-a review
    Usman Anwer Bhatti
    Journal of The Pakistan Dental Association. 2019; 28(1): 33-40.
  76. Foucauldian Study of Discourse-Resistance Nexus in Ken Kesey’s One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
    Mudassar Ali, Dr Ali Usman Saleem, Saira Akhter, Dr Mazhar Hayat*
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 7813-7821.
  77. The association between learning styles and academic achievement among medical students
    Abdulaziz Yousef Alturki, Eyad Abdulrahman Alsuhaibani, Waleed Ahmed Al Mufarrih, Hessah Saad Alsayahi, Roba Mohsin Altameem, Nouf Mohammed Almansour, Yara Abdullah Alessa, Arwa Mohammed Al Abdulsalam, Ibrahim Abdulaziz Alodhaibi, Bandar Saleh Alzuair, Reham Yousef Alturki
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(2): 751-755.
  78. Comparing Hemodynamic Responses to Diazepam, Propofol and Etomidate During Anesthesia Induction in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: a Double-blind, Randomized Clinical Trial
    Aria Soleimani, Neda Heidari, Mohammad Reza Habibi, Farshad Hasanzadeh Kiabi, Mohammad Khademloo, Amir Emami Zeydi, Fatemeh Bozorg Sohrabi
    Medical Archives. 2017; 71(3): 198-203.
  79. Radiographic evaluation of cervical spine
    Abdus Salam, Muhammad Usman Ahmed, Tehseen Ashraf Kohistani
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2010; 35(2): 152-155.
  80. Generating and Knowledge Framework: Design and Open Specification
    Usman Wajid, Chris Orton, Andriana Magdalinou, Lydia Montandon
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2019; 27(5): 362-368.
    Tariq Usman, Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Azhar, Muhammad Farooq Javeed
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 860-866.
  82. Severe horn-gore injury in a 5-year-old Bunaji bull and a 10-month-old Yankasa ram-lamb: Case report
    II Onoja, WP Mshelia, B Usman, A Andrew, WK Sambo, ST Muhammad, BO Ocheja & DE Awai
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2011; 9(1): 43-45.
  83. An Analysis of One Thousand Chest Radiographs at a Secondary Care Center
    Abdus Salam, Ghulam Sabir Iqbal,Muhammad Usman Ahmed
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2008; 33(2): 150-153.
  84. Comparison of Job Satisfaction among Male and Female Teachers from Government Primary Schools, in District Sargodha, Pakistan
    Rafiullah Bilal, Tayyaba Syed, Sajjad Hussain, Usman Khan
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 4166-4173.
  85. Sustainability Development in Education: An Empirical Evidence and Discussion about Authentic Leadership, Religiosity and Commitment
    Ansar Abbas, Muhammad Saud, Indrianawati Usman, Dian Ekowati
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 553-559.
  86. PCSK9 inhibitors as a new modality for treating dyslipidemia
    Abdulrahman M. Alanazi, Nawaf A. Sheer, Reema A. Alassaf, Haifaa A. Abuhemid, Turki S. Algannas, Abdulaziz M. Alnayil, Abdulaziz M. Alomar
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(3): 1030-1039.
  87. Investigating the Admixture Properties of Plantain Peels Ash and its Effect on Cement Strength
    Hassan USMAN, Steven T. IJIMDYIA, Yusuf Dada AMARTEY, Iliyasu LAWAN
    Nigerian Journal of Engineering. 2020; 27(3): 41-49.
  88. Investigation of Absorbance and Percentage Transmittance of Zinc Oxide and Copper Oxide for the Use in Solar Cells Using Screen Printing Techniques
    Yahaya Abubakar Aliero, Magawata Usman Zayyanu, Sabiyel Anas Nomau
    Science Journal of Advanced and Cognitive Research. 2023; 4(2): 31-41.
  89. Management of supernumerary limb in an Ouda lamb: A case report
    S Buhari, AS Yakubu, A Jibril, JB Adeyanju, ML Sonfada, HS Garba, UM Chafe, S Usman & Q Opara
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2008; 7(1): 5-8.
    Rana Tahir Naveed, Muhammad Usman, Ilyas Ahmad, Bilal Ahmed
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 941-954.
  91. Investigation of Absorbance and Percentage Transmittance of Zinc Oxide and Copper Oxide for the Use in Solar Cells Using Screen Printing Techniques
    Yahaya Abubakar Aliero, Magawata Usman Zayyanu and Sabiyel Anas Nomau
    Science Journal of Advanced and Cognitive Research. 2023; 4(2): 31-41.
  92. Exploring Assessment Literacy among English Teachers at Middle School Level
    Arooj Sarfraz, Ms Aysha Rizwan, Usman Shah Toti, Anjum Afshan
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 3427-3436.
  93. The effect of improving dietary habits derived from Persian Medicine on blood pressure in adults with pre-hypertension: A randomized controlled clinical trial
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2021; 12(2): 91-100.
  94. Assessment of anxiety among the residents of family medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia
    Hessah Saad Alsayahi, Nouf Mohammed Almansour, Nora Mohammed Albarakah, Shaza Mohamed Leheidan, Arwa Mohammad Al Abdulsalam, Haya Saud Almana, Fahad Abdullah Alateeq
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(3): 829-837.
  95. The Effect of Tai Chi Exercise on the Risk and Fear of Falling in Older Adults: a Randomized Clinical Trial
    Hamed Mortazavi, Mahbubeh Tabatabaeicher, Ali Golestani, Mohammad Reza Armat, Mohammad Reza Yousefi
    Materia Socio Medica. 2018; 30(1): 38-42.
  96. Pharmacological evaluation of ethnomedicinal Glycosmis pentaphylla Lour. as antidiabetic, antioxidant and cytotoxic agent
    Mohammad Oliur Rahman, Mohammad Badiur Rahman, Shah Alam Siddiqui, Mohammad Abul Hassan, Mohammad Abdur Rashid
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(11): 80-86.
  97. Management of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) using biorational insecticide based IPM packages
    Mithun Sarker, Mohammad Mahir Uddin, Mohammad Tofazzal Hossain Howlader
    Fundamental and Applied Agriculture. 2020; 5(3): 361-371.
  98. Transforming the teaching of early years Science and Mathematics through the integration of STEAM education: What in-service teachers think?
    Shagufta Moghal, Asma Shahid Kazi, Zarmina Usman, Muhammad Amir Saeed
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 2336-2344.
  99. Impact of Knowledge Management Environment on Knowledge Sharing Processes
    Zahid Imran, Dr. Owais Shafique*, Dr. WardaNajeeb Jamal, Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Usman Khizar
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 1465-1478.
  100. Female’s Purchase Behavior On Skin Whitening Products
    Tanti Handriana, Masmira Kurniawati, Indrianawati Usman, Praptini Yulianti, Rahmat Setiawan
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 606-616.

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