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  1. Urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein in two dogs with acquired Fanconi syndrome: A case report
    Satoshi Takashima, Tomomi Nasu, Keiichi Ohata, Tsuyoshi Oikawa, Takeshi Sugaya, Yui Kobatake, Sanae Shibata, Naohito Nishii
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(6): 864-867.
  2. Garcinia subelliptica (Fukugi): A multi-purpose coastal tree with promising medicinal properties
    Tomomi Inoue, Mami Kainuma, Karin Baba, Nozomi Oshiro, Norimi Kimura, Eric Wei Chiang Chan
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2017; 6(1): 121-127.
  3. Artocarpus altilis and Pandanus tectorius: Two Important Fruits of Oceania with Medicinal Values
    Shigeyuki Baba, Hung Tuck Chan, Mio Kezuka, Tomomi Inoue, Eric Wei Chiang Chan
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 28(8): 531-539.
  4. Ulam herbs: A review on the medicinal properties of Anacardium occidentale and Barringtonia racemosa
    Eric Wei Chiang Chan, Shigeyuki Baba, Hung Tuck Chan, Mami Kainuma, Tomomi Inoue, Siu Kuin Wong
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(2): 241-247.
  5. Caesalpinia crista: A coastal woody climber with promising therapeutic values
    Eric Wei Chiang Chan, Joseph Tangah, Shigeyuki Baba, Hung Tuck Chan, Mami Kainuma, Tomomi Inoue
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(3): 133-140.

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