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  1. Segmentation And Classification Of Tumor Cell From Fused Images
    Dr G.Thamarai selvi , Ms.R.Janaki , M.Gayathri , S.Preethi , N.Sneka
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6826-6834.
  2. Datura stramonium intoxication: report of a case with psychiatric symptoms
    Sevdegül Karadaş, Yavuz Selvi, Mustafa Şahin, Fatih Selvi, Reşit Öncü, Fevzi Özgökçe
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2011; 24(2): 152-154.
  3. Evaluation of lung function tests in rheumatoid arthritis patients
    Kalyani Praba P, Thamarai Selvi K, Vijay Anand B, Saravanan A
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017; 7(7): 693-696.
  4. Does periodontitis have synergistic effect in elevating serum creatinine level in type 2 diabetes mellitus?
    Kalyani Praba P, Vineetha V S, Bhavsar Nikhil Rajendra, Saravanan A, Thamarai Selvi K, Prabhavathi K
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2022; 12(11): 1875-1879.
    P. Selvi, Dr. M. Vakkil
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 2682-2688.
  6. Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence For Preventive Medicine And Wellness Program
    Mrs.D.Thamizh Selvi AP, D.Shanthini
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 4316-4328.
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(4): 64-69.
  8. Curriculum evaluation model-KÖNDEMN
    KNevriye Yazçayır,Kıymet Selvi
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(1): 343-356.
  9. An investigation into the socio-economic conditions of agricultural labourers in Thiruvalai Panchayat, Tamil Nadu, India
    S. Saranya Devi, S. Selvi, G. Amalan Rabert
    Innovations in Agriculture. 2022; 5(0): 01-04.
  10. Response of cardiovascular system to exercise using bicycle ergometer among first year medical students
    Kalyani Praba Premsundar, Vijay Anand Balasubramanian, Adhithi Venkat, Thamarai Selvi K, Saravanan A
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2021; 11(8): 845-849.
  11. ACRA-Kısaltılmış Öğrenme Stratejileri Ölçeğinin Lise Öğrencilerine Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Analizi
    Belgin Sönmez , Gülten Feryal Gündüz , Kıymet Selvi
    Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(3): 1241-1259.
  12. Organic personality disorder after aneurysm surgery: a case report
    Pınar Güzel Özdemir, Yavuz Selvi, Adem Aydın
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2012; 25(4): 379-382.
  13. Psychometric evaluation of the Turkish language version of the Profile of Mood States (POMS)
    Yavuz Selvi, Mustafa Gulec, Adem Aydin, Lutfullah Besiroglu
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2011; 1(4): 152-161.
  14. Determining Role of Social and Geographical Region in Childhood Criminality
    Yavuz Selvi, Adem Aydın, Sultan Kılıç, Pınar Güzel Özdemir
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2011; 24(2): 165-166.
  15. The relationship between insomnia and major depressive disorder: a chicken and egg situation?
    Mustafa Gulec, Halil Ozcan, Elif Oral, Yavuz Selvi, Adem Aydin
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2012; 2(1): 28-33.
  16. Psychotropic medications affecting biological rhythm
    Elif Oral, Halil Ozcan, Mustafa Gulec, Yavuz Selvi, Adem Aydin
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2011; 1(4): 169-177.
  17. Traumatic sexuality after intrafamilial sexual abuse: a case report with compulsive sexual behaviour
    Yavuz Selvi, Pınar Güzel Özdemir, Abdullah Atli, Songül Gündoğdu Kıran
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2011; 24(1): 85-88.
  18. Sleep-Related Violence, Self-Mutilation, and Dissociative Experiences
    Mehmet Yucel Agargun, Lutfullah Besiroglu, Mustafa Gulec, Adem Aydin, Yavuz Selvi
    Sleep and Hypnosis. 2016; 18(2): 41-43.
  19. The predictive value of interpersonal schemas, perfectionism, and thought action-fusion in obsessive-compulsive disorder
    Adem Aydın, Murat Boysan, Şennur Tutarel-Kışlak, Temel Kalafat, Yavuz Selvi, Lütfullah Beşiroğlu
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2012; 25(2): 108-118.
  20. Degradation of cefdinir from pharmaceutical wastewater using immobilized Candida sp. SMN04 and biofilm formed on gravels
    Adikesavan Selvi, Monidipa Banerjee, Nilanjana Das
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2015; 5(10): 073-079.
  21. Influence of night shift work on psychologic state and quality of life in health workers
    Yavuz Selvi, Pınar Güzel Özdemir, Osman Özdemir, Adem Aydın, Lütfullah Beşiroğlu
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2010; 23(4): 238-243.
  22. Morphometry of chordae tendineae of mitral valves and annulopapillary distance for mitral allografts
    Senthil Kumar B, Panneer Selvi G, Rekha G, Rajitha V, Anitha MR
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2013; 2(4): 966-970.
  23. Phenomenal Self and Dream Self
    Hayrettin Kara, Yavuz Selvi
    Sleep and Hypnosis. 2017; 19(4): 96-100.
  24. A rarely diagnosed sleep disorder: narcolepsy
    Pinar Guzel Ozdemir, Yavuz Selvi
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2013; 26(4): 402-403.
  25. Nano-bio hybrid system for enhanced degradation of cefdinir using Candida sp. SMN04 coated with zero-valent iron nanoparticles
    Adikesavan Selvi, Nilanjana Das
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(9): 009-017.
  26. Application of ice and vapocoolant spray to reduce tetanus vaccine pain: A prospective, randomized, controlled, clinical study
    Mehmet Akcimen, Cihan Bedel, Fatih Selvi
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(6): 995-8.
  27. Evaluation of risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural population and its comparison with obesity indicators
    Thamarai Rajappa, Sivakumar Karunanandham
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016; 5(8): 1626-1630.
  28. The Cyberchondria Severity Scale (CSS): Validity and Reliability Study of the Turkish Version
    Yavuz Selvi, Seda Gokce Turan, Ayca Asena Sayin, Murat Boysan, Ali Kandeger
    Sleep and Hypnosis. 2018; 20(4): -.
  29. Study of Prevalence and Dietary Factors Affecting Obesity among Slum Dwellers Aged 30 Years and Above in Bangalore
    Selvi Thangaraj, Jyothi Jadhav, Malappurath Suresh Shruthi
    TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013; 12(5): 495-500.
  30. A Rare Cause of Childhood Anaemia: Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
    Velat Sen, Musemma Karabel, Tuba Tuncel, Selvi Kelekci, Ilyas Yolbas, Fuat Gurkan
    Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(2): 145-147.
  31. A novel oxidative stress marker in contrast-induced nephropathy; can dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis be a predictive marker for elderly patients?
    Tugba Turgut, Remzi Bahsi, Hande Selvi Oztorun, Deniz Mut Surmeli4, Emine Feyza Yurt, Murat Varli, Sevgi Aras
    The Atlantic Journal of Medical Science and Research. 2022; 2(3): 46-52.
  32. Postoperative Adjuvant and Salvage Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer Patients with Adverse Prognostic Factors
    Selvi Dinçer, Çakır Numanoğlu, Mustafa Halil Akbörü, Erkan Merder, Murat Dinçer
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(0): 125-133.
  33. A cross-sectional study on women abuse in the urban areas of Bengaluru
    Selvi Thangaraj, Nimmy Dominic, Amitkumar Rao
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2015; 4(5): 713-716.
  34. Prevalence of tobacco use among Class 10 students in an urban field practice area, Bangalore: a cross sectional study
    Malappurath Suresh Shruthi, Riyaz Basha, Selvi Thangaraj, Rangnath T S
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2013; 2(1): 363-73.
  35. Assessment of the effect of animal bite management training, among frontline healthcare workers in a rural field practice area of Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute
    Sofiya Crastha, Selvi Thangaraj
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2018; 7(8): 620-625.
  36. Rectum cancer: The effects of perioperative outcomes of patients as long-term prognostic factor
    Refik Bademci, Ozlem Ondes Bayar, Selvi Tabak Dincer, Arzu Akan, Cemalettin Camci, M. Yavuz Eryavuz
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(10): 2126-33.
  37. Occupational health hazards among automobile mechanics working in an urban area of Bangalore –a cross sectional study
    Selvi Thangaraj, Nimra Shireen
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017; 6(1): 18-22.
  38. Assessment of degree of awareness about diet, physical exercise, and lifestyle modifications among diabetic patients
    Thamarai Rajappa, Kalavathy Ponniraivan, Hemalatha Kalyan, Kalavathy Selvaraju, Sivakumar Karunanandham
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2018; 7(6): 481-486.
  39. Evaluation of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura Cases: A Single Center Experience

    Feride Çeliker Akyüz1, Selvi Kelekçi2, Murat Söker2, Müsemma Karabel2, Velat Şen2,Veysiye Hülya Üzel1, İlyas Yolbaş2, Ali Güneş2

    Annals of Medical Research. 2013; 20(3): 246-251.
  40. The Evaluation of Dream Anxiety and Sleep Quality in Hemodialysis Patients
    Yavuz Selvi, Pinar Guzel Ozdemir, Yasemin Soyoral, Mehmet Tasdemir, Mehmet Aslan
    Sleep and Hypnosis. 2017; 19(1): 10-17.
  41. Helicobacter pylori Virulence Genes in the Upregulation of the CCL20 and Beta-Actin Expression and Progression towards Gastric Disorders
    Selvi Radhakrishnan, Venkatachalam Perumal, Rekha Arcot, Selvaraj R, Dharaniya K, Ayesha S, Shanthi Vijayaraghavan
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2019; 9(3): 116-124.
  42. Multiple primary tumors of the gastrointestinal tract: Our 6-year results
    Selma Şengiz Sengiz Erhan, Selvi Dincer Tabak, Emre Uysal, Ali Alemdar
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(0): 148-156.
  43. A Rare Cause of Immunodeficiency: Chediak Higashi Syndrome

    Duran Karabel1, Müsemma Karabel1, Selvi Kelekçi1, Murat Söker2, Ali Güneş1

    Annals of Medical Research. 2013; 20(4): 371-372.
  44. Microwave-assisted extraction of polyphenols from Eleutherine bulbosa Mill. Urb. bulbs using choline chloride-sorbitol based natural deep eutectic solvent
    Laode Rijai, Selvi Tri Tang, Mukti Priastomo, Siska Siska, Niken Indriyanti, Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati, Islamudin Ahmad
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2023; 13(6): 217-224.
  45. Oxidant and antioxidant levels in patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome at the emergency department
    Selma Tekkanat, Nalan Kozaci, Mustafa Avci, Fatih Selvi, Yavuz Yilmaz, Hamit Yasar Ellidag
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(6): 1235-40.
  46. Relationship of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with weather and season
    Okkes Zortuk, Fatih Selvi, Cihan Bedel, Mustafa Korkut
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(4): 835-9.
  47. Healing of surgical wounds treated with 810nm, 940nm, and 980nm diode lasers in different operation modes
    Emre Aytugar, Tugba Unver, Tugce Bicer Aytugar, Mert Celikten, Firat Selvi, Fatma Canan Alatl6, Aslihan Usumez
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(8): 1647-54.
  48. Assessment of educational intervention on biomedical waste management among Government Nursing College students, Bengaluru
    Jyothi Jadhav, Selvi Thangaraj, Lilian Dsouza, Amitkumar Rao
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2015; 4(5): 726-729.
  49. COVID-19 precautionary dose vaccine hesitancy among undergraduate medical students of a government medical college in Karnataka – A cross-sectional study
    Jai Krishna M G, Riyaz Basha S, Anu Priya Mathew C, Sini R Krishnan, Vilas Revanappa Bhagavati, Selvi Thangaraj
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(7): 1482-1488.
  50. Analysis of inmate patients admitted to emergency department of a tertiary education and research hospital: A retrospective cohort study
    Fatih Selvi, Fevzi Yilmaz, Cihan Bedel, Omer Faruk Karakoyun, Gulsum Caliskan, Gizem Gulcan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 326-30.

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