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  1. Design and Development of a Self-tuning Fuzzy PID Controller for Evaporative Cooling system to Preserve Fruits and Vegetables
    Dawit Ashagrie Tarekegn, Tefera Terefe Yetayew,
    Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews. 2025; 2(1): 60-76.
  2. A Comparative Analysis of Metaheuristic Algorithms Tuned Supper Twisting Sliding Mode Control of a Self-balancing Segway
    Tefera T. Yetayew, Daniel G. Tesfaye
    Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2024; 10(4): 594-619.
  3. Participatory variety selection of lentils by farmers for commercial production in districts of Legehida and Woreilu, Ethiopia
    Awol Mohammed, Ali Endris, Desalegn Getu, Wondesen Dagnachew, Admase Kassaw, Mengistu Tefera, Genet Kebede, Ambachew Tefera, Abay Desale, Seyoum Asefie
    Innovations in Agriculture. 2024; 7(0): 01-04.
  4. Multi-Objective Optimization of SEPIC-Cuk Converter for Photovoltaic Application
    Minyahil Tanashu, Tassew Tadiwos, Amare Kassaw, Seifu Admasu, Getasew Admasu, Noah Ezra, Teng Long, Lara Allen, Elizabeth M. Tennyson, Sam Stranks, Tefera Terefe
    Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2025; 11(1): 151-167.
  5. Ethnobotanical study of Medicinal plants used as Antimalarial and Repellent by Sidama people of Hawassa Zuria district, Southern Ethiopia.
    Banchiamlak Nigussie Tefera , Young-Dong Kim,
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2019; 10(1): 13-26.
  6. Mixing Lidocaine and Propofol Decreases the Severity but not the Incidence of Propofol Pain on Injection Compared to Injecting Lidocaine Before Propofol in Non-Premedicated Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy
    Medhat Hannallah, Jonah Lopatin, Thomas Cestare, Eshetu Tefera, Ling Cai
    Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. 2018; 22(3): 308-311.
  7. Assessment of microbiological and physico-chemical quality of drinking water in North Gondar Zone, Northwest Ethiopia
    Debasu Damtie, Mengistu Endris, Yifokir Tefera, Yabutani Tomoki, Yohei Yamada, Afework Kassu
    Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health. 2014; 3(4): 170-174.
  8. Immune response and safety of co-administered Peste des Petits Ruminants, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia, Sheep and Goat Pox, and Pasteurellosis vaccines in goats
    Takele Tesgera Hurisa, Takele Abayneh Tefera, Retta Negatu, Teshale Sori, Berecha Bayisa Deme, Mirtneh Akalu Yilma, Wondwossen Tolossa, Abinet Legesse, Ashetu Negewo, Wubet W/Medhin, Kedir Sherefa, Getu Ayele, Adugna Geresu, Eyob Assefa, Dawit Dufera
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 1960-1967.

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