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  1. Immune response and safety of co-administered Peste des Petits Ruminants, Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia, Sheep and Goat Pox, and Pasteurellosis vaccines in goats
    Takele Tesgera Hurisa, Takele Abayneh Tefera, Retta Negatu, Teshale Sori, Berecha Bayisa Deme, Mirtneh Akalu Yilma, Wondwossen Tolossa, Abinet Legesse, Ashetu Negewo, Wubet W/Medhin, Kedir Sherefa, Getu Ayele, Adugna Geresu, Eyob Assefa, Dawit Dufera
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 1960-1967.

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